DISC Training for Leaders

Elevate Leadership Communication with DISC

It’s easy to eliminate the stress and frustration of performance-related conversations, when you have the right tools to manage different workplace personalities effectively…  including yours.

Who Is This Training For?

The DISC Leadership Training is perfect for leaders wanting to communicate more effectively with different personalities, eliminate frustrations, and achieve better results.

What Leaders Say About Our Training

Dane Crockford, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Incoming Manager, Family Health Centers of San Diego

“(Sylvia) is very truly passionate about performance management, which I think makes all the difference. Not just because it comes across and it makes you more inspired to learn, but because when someone’s passionate about something, they put in that extra effort.”

Patricia Perez

Program Supervisor, San Ysidro Health

“I love it! As a new supervisor coming into this role, I feel I’m absorbing as much as I can. It’s definitely provided a different perspective for… when dealing with staff with different personalities.“

Blanca Romero

Census Regional Manager, NALEO Educational Fund

“I love the workshop that Sylvia has presented! I am very into HR and performance management… I definitely recommend the workshop for anyone that’s struggling to find resources for the problems that they see, and they want to make a change.”

What You'll Get

Whether your leaders are working with an overly assertive employee, one that seems too sensitive, or one that simply won’t budge—the DISC Leadership Training will help them communicate more effectively.

Here’s what each Leadership Team member gets:

A DISC Leadership Assessment and Report

Each team member completes the online DISC Leadership Assessment before starting the course.

The assessment takes about 10 – 15 minutes to complete and yields a personalized and actionable 55-page report.

If this sounds too daunting, don’t worry. I break it down during the training. I also provide copies of all individual team member reports to you or your designee. 

Certified by the Assessment Standards Institute

As you shop for a DISC assessment, remember that not all assessments are created equal. The DISC assessment we use is certified by the Assessment Standards Institute (ASI) in the U.S. and won’t break the bank.

ASI provides verifiably objective testing and reporting that meet the standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). ASI’s battery of tests is both voluntary and transparent.

Four Learning Modules

We have four learning modules we can tailor for your team. 


In Module 1, we help your team build a strong foundation for success.  They review the key elements of the DISC Model and uncover the major sources of conflict between the Four DISC Styles. They also learn to identify the DISC styles of their direct reports.


In Module 2, we guide your team members in interpreting the results of their personalized, 55-page DISC Leadership Report. They analyze and reflect on their results in alignment with DISC principles. They also develop an action plan for leadership communication success.


Module 3, we walk your team through our step-by-step process for getting three-level feedback (from bosses, direct reports, and colleagues) to evaluate their self-perception. We provide them with tips and tools to relieve the anxieties associated with feedback-seeking—theirs and others’.

In Module 4 is all about adaptability.  We teach your leadership team members how to adapt their communication approach based on their DISC Styles and the styles of others so they can facilitate less stressful and more productive conversations. They walk away with tips, tools, and strategies to adapt their leadership communication based on each employee’s DISC style. 

Participants Workbooks and Job Aids

The course comes complete with workbooks containing worksheets, checklists, and tools your leadership team can use to build more productive and rewarding workplace relationships.

Who Is the Facilitator?

Hi, I’m Sylvia Melena. 

I’m a Principal at The Leadership Strength Group and the international award-winning and best-selling leadership author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance. I’m also a Certified DISC Trainer and an Association for Talent Development (ATD) Master Instructional Designer™.

With a Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies and 20 years experience in the trenches of management, I have coached, developed, and trained hundreds of managers and supervisors in person and have impacted thousands more through my work.

My leadership philosophy has been featured by the Society of Human Resources Management HR Today, the Human Performance Association, Entrepreneur, LEADx, Fit Small Business, and other outlets.

And I Still Work on My Leadership

You see, strong leadership is a work in progress.

I’m an off-the-charts DISC “D.”

If you don’t know what that means yet, don’t worry, you will by the end of your team’s training.

In my early career, I was frequently blunt and sometimes even rude. But I was fortunate to work with people who cared about me enough to give me honest feedback.

I particularly remember a brutally honest reaction from a co-worker like it was yesterday.

I don’t remember what I said to trigger him or how I said it, but I vividly recall the horror on his face and his shocking response to my affront: “Shoot from the hip, why don’t you! Next time, try using a little tact!”

I was stunned, momentarily speechless, and in disbelief. And I’m never speechless.

I didn’t know what he meant. So, I asked him to explain, and he did.

Thanks to his honest feedback and the support of others, I had an amazing 20-year leadership career in health and human services. I had the honor of directly managing workforces from about 80 to 300 employees and supporting performance for up to 1,400 in my senior leadership roles.

And most people enjoyed working with me and giving their best.

Yes, I said, “Most.”

The truth is, not everyone will enjoy working with you no matter how much you adapt your leadership communication. And that’s okay. Not everyone will like you. But that’s not your goal anyways.

Your goal is to be the best leader you can be, create a great workplace, promote accountability, and achieve measurable results. These are the things I intentionally worked on to elevate my leadership.

Because of my ongoing journey, I’m a firm believer in the power of positive feedback and supportive accountability to transform lives. But I also know it’s hard sometimes.

That’s why I’m excited to provide my online and in-person DISC Leadership Training. It gives your team members everything they need to adapt their approach and communicate more effectively in the workplace.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Warmest regards,

Sylvia Melena

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This course is available through online and in-person facilitator-led instruction.

Interested in DISC Training for Non-Supervisory Team Members?

We have that too!

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