DISC Training for Teams

Online and In-Person Training for Teams

Your Leaders Can Build Collaborative and High-Performing Teams!

Put an end to personality clashes and dysfunctional conflict in the workplace and build stronger, more productive, and more rewarding teams. 

Unhealthy Team Conflict Takes a Toll

The emotional toll of unhealthy team conflict can be significant. Not only does it undermine organizational performance, but it leaves everyone feeling frustrated, stressed, and disheartened. What’s more, when this type of conflict is allowed to fester, it hinders employee engagement, retention, and results.


Our Transformative Approach

As a senior leader, you need a transformative approach that considers the unique dynamics of your team and that digs deep into the issues to expose root causes. Tackling superficial symptoms simply won’t do.

Our comprehensive and evidence-based program leverages the power of the DISC Model to improve teamwork and collaboration. It equips your leadership team with the skills and tools they need to transform the team.

What Leaders Say About Our Training

Dane Crockford, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Incoming Manager, Family Health Centers of San Diego

“(Sylvia) is very truly passionate about performance management, which I think makes all the difference. Not just because it comes across and it makes you more inspired to learn, but because when someone’s passionate about something, they put in that extra effort.”

Patricia Perez

Program Supervisor, San Ysidro Health

“I love it! As a new supervisor coming into this role, I feel I’m absorbing as much as I can. It’s definitely provided a different perspective for… when dealing with staff with different personalities.“

Blanca Romero

Census Regional Manager, NALEO Educational Fund

“ I definitely recommend the workshop for anyone that’s struggling to find resources for the problems that they see, and they want to make a change.”

What is the DISC Model

DISC is a simple, practical, easy to remember and universally applicable model. 

DISC Team Wheel English

It focuses on individual patterns of external, observable behavior and emotion and measures the intensity of communication characteristics for each of the four styles:

1. Dominance
2. Influence, 
3. Steadiness, and 
4. Conscientiousness

    Using the DISC Leadership Assessment, your team members:

    • Identify their leadership communication styles,
    • Recognize and adapt to the communication styles of their supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and other stakeholders, and
    • Foster more rewarding and collaborative relationships, which lead to performance excellence.

    About the DISC Training for Teams Program

    Through a series of engaging and actionable modules, your leaders improve their communication effectiveness and walk out equipped to:

    1. Bridge communication gaps,
    2. Proactively and effectively resolve conflicts, and
    3. Build happy, collaborative, and productive workplaces.

      7 Action-Packed Modules

      We offer seven action-packed learning modules you can select from, depending on your needs and goals. Our modular format give us the flexibility to tailor the program for your team’s unique needs. You can select one or all the modules. 

      Module 1 - Identifying DISC Styles in the Workplace

      Your team builds a strong foundation for team success by exploring the DISC model and identifying DISC styles in the workplace, identifying major sources of workplace conflict, and delving into strategies to foster more collaborative working relationships. 

      Module 2 - Analyzing Your DISC Leadership Report

      Through your group debrief, we guide your team members through self-discovery as they dive deep into their robust 40-page DISC Self or 55-page DISC Leadership Reports. They identify strengths, opportunities for growth, and ways to strengthen their interpersonal communication. 

      Module 3 - Adapting Your Communication for Team Success

      Your team members appreciate DISC style similarities and differences of individual team members, adapt their communication approach based on their own styles and the styles of their teammates, and facilitate less stressful and more productive conversations.

      Module 4 - Elevating Your Team Dynamics for Performance Excellence

      Using the power of your personalized DISC Team Dynamics Report, team members examine how well the team functions based on its unique combination of DISC styles. They also explore techniques to leverage differences, build trust, and communicate effectively as a team. 

      Module 5 - Managing Team Conflict

      Work as a team to develop a more cohesive team. Go from unproductive conflict to energyzing conversations that spark innovation.  


      Module 6 - Crafting Your Team Vision & Agreement for a Collaborative Workplace

      Your team works collectively to craft their team vision for success, develop a team agreement, and draft an action plan to build a collaborative and positive work environment.  This highly engaging and impactful module provides your team a roadmap for ongoing commitment, sustainability, and work. 

      Module 7 - Effective DISC Team Coaching

      Team leaders leverage the DISC Model to coach individual team members effectively, using the Five Steps of DISC Coaching to create a positive leader-team member relationship and achieve results. They learn how to apply each step based on their own DISC style and the styles of each direct report. 

      Worksheets, Checklists, & Other Tools

      The program includes worksheets, checklists, and tools your leadership team can use to build more productive and rewarding workplace relationships.

      DISC Assessment & Report

      Whether your leaders are working with an overly assertive employee, one that seems too sensitive, or one that simply won’t budge—the DISC Leadership Training will help them communicate more effectively. Depending on your needs, each team member gets a DISC Leadership or a DISC Self Assessment and corresponding report. 

      DISC Assessment & Report

      Each team member completes the online DISC Assessment before the session. 

      The assessment takes about 10 – 15 minutes to complete and yields a personalized and actionable 55-page report.

      If this sounds too daunting, don’t worry. We break it down during the session. We also provide copies of all individual team member reports to you or your designee. 

      DISC Leadership Assessment
      DISC Self Assessment

      Certified by the Assessment Standards Institute

      Not all assessments are created equal. Some assessments are not adequately tested for validity and reliability. Others may be tested but come with hefty price tags. 

      The DISC assessment we use is certified by the Assessment Standards Institute (ASI) in the U.S. and won’t break the bank. 

      ASI provides verifiably objective testing and reporting that meet the standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). ASI’s battery of tests is both voluntary and transparent.

      Your At-A-Glance DISC Graphs

      We provide the following at a glance tools for all modules.

      DISC Team Wheel

      We provide your team with a DISC Team Wheel, also known as the DISC Team Behavioral Pattern View. The Team Wheel provides your team with an at-a-glance view of every member’s natural and adapted DISC styles.  This helps your team quickly spot your team’s collective behavioral pattern, as well as the individual tendencies. 

      Your DISC Team Reports

      Depending on your goals for the team and the modules you select, we use an array of DISC Team Reports that deliver highly visual team data and actionable insights customized to your team. Each report is highly visual and includes graphs, charts, tables, or other data visualization elements, along with written explanations.  

      DISC Team Summary Report

      The DISC Team Summary Report gives your team a succinct but rich view of the DISC styles and nuances of every member of the team. This report sheds light on people’s needs, motivations, strengths, growth opportunities, and much more. It’s a tool that promotes deep appreciation and understanding of other individuals to foster a positive and healthy communication.

      DISC Team Summary Report

      DISC Team Dynamics Report

      The DISC Team Dynamics Report helps members understand how your team functions and performs. It provides an overview of the combination of different styles within the team. It breaks down the team’s strengths, opportunities for growth, and the steps the team can take to optimize collaboration and results. 

      DISC Team Dynamics Report

      DISC Team Behavioral Tendencies Report

      The DISC Team Behavioral Tendencies Report provides your team’s scores for 12 key behavioral tendencies which impact collaboration and performance. Behavioral tendencies are measured along a continuum of low to high intensity and are displayed by individual, team average, and team median. Through our training sessions, we help your team leverage the report’s insights to optimize team collaboration and advance performance excellence. 

      DISC Behavioral Tendencies Report

      DISC Integrated Behaviors Report

      The DISC Integrated Behaviors Report provides your team’s scores for 12 behavioral strengths teams may display.  These behaviors are also measured along a continuum of low to high intensity and are displayed by individual, team average, and team median. This report helps team members see the team’s big behavioral picture and how each individual fits into the team. The identifies team strengths, limitations, and potential actions. 

      DISC Integrated Behaviors Report

      Interested in DISC Training Focused on Leadership Skills?

      We have that too!  

      Who Am I To Teach This?

      Hi, I’m Sylvia Melena. 

      I’m the Founder and CEO of Melena Consulting Group and the international award-winning and best-selling leadership author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance. I’m also a Certified DISC Trainer and an Association for Talent Development (ATD) Master Instructional Designer™.

      With a Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies and 20 years experience in the trenches of management, I have coached, developed, and trained hundreds of managers and supervisors in person and have impacted thousands more through my work.

      My leadership philosophy has been featured by the Society of Human Resources Management HR Today, the Human Performance Association, Entrepreneur, LEADx, Fit Small Business, and other outlets.

      And I Still Work on My Leadership

      You see, strong leadership is a work in progress.

      I’m an off-the-charts DISC “D.”

      If you don’t know what that means yet, don’t worry, you will by the end of your team’s training.

      In my early career, I was frequently blunt and sometimes even rude. But I was fortunate to work with people who cared about me enough to give me honest feedback.

      I particularly remember a brutally honest reaction from a co-worker like it was yesterday.

      I don’t remember what I said to trigger him or how I said it, but I vividly recall the horror on his face and his shocking response to my affront: “Shoot from the hip, why don’t you! Next time, try using a little tact!”

      I was stunned, momentarily speechless, and in disbelief. And I’m never speechless.

      I didn’t know what he meant. So, I asked him to explain, and he did.

      Thanks to his honest feedback and the support of others, I had an amazing 20-year leadership career in health and human services. I had the honor of directly managing workforces from about 80 to 300 employees and supporting performance for up to 1,400 in my senior leadership roles.

      And most people enjoyed working with me and giving their best.

      Yes, I said, “Most.”

      The truth is, not everyone will enjoy working with you no matter how much you adapt your leadership communication. And that’s okay. Not everyone will like you. But that’s not your goal anyways.

      Your goal is to be the best leader you can be, create a great workplace, promote accountability, and achieve measurable results. These are the things I intentionally worked on to elevate my leadership.

      Because of my ongoing journey, I’m a firm believer in the power of positive feedback and supportive accountability to transform lives. But I also know it’s hard sometimes.

      That’s why I’m excited to provide my online and in-person DISC Leadership Training. It gives your team members everything they need to adapt their approach and communicate more effectively in the workplace.

      If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

      Warmest regards,

      Sylvia Melena

      This course is available through online and in-person facilitator-led instruction.

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      “Supportive Accountability Leadership” is a trademark of Melena Consulting Group.

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