unleash extraordinary leadership & transform the workplace

With our leadership and performance management coaching:

• Elevate your team’s leadership and performance management skills to drive exceptional results
• Foster a culture of supportive accountability and employee engagement
• Create optimal workplaces where employees thrive and deliver results

We help senior, middle, and aspiring managers:

• Unlock their full leadership potential and excel in their roles
• Intentionally strengthen their team dynamics
• Navigate the complexities of their operating environments with confidence
• Deliver excellent personal and workforce performance


measurable & sustainable results
Leadership and Management Coaching
transform the workplace

Through our people-centered and results-focused coaching programs, we help managers transform their workplaces resulting in tangible outcomes.

Performance Excellence
Higher Employee Engagement, Satisfaction & Retention
Increased Innovation, Motivation
& Drive
Effective Communication & Conflict Management
Restored Trust & Rewarding Relationships
Cohesive & Productive
Enhanced Individual, Team & Organization Performance
Elevated Customer Service
& Experience
our coaching programs

Whether you need just a few sessions for one leader or a structured team-based program, we provide a comprehensive range of tailored and dynamic coaching services, including:


Personalized and confidential sessions that delve deep into individual challenges, goals, and growth opportunities. Our expert coaches empower leaders to overcome obstacles and achieve measurable results.


Leveraging the science behind team dynamics, our team coaching approach brings your team members together to enhance communication, maximize productivity, and build cohesive and high-performing units that lead to organizational success.


By harnessing the collective wisdom and experiences of leaders from various organizations, our group coaching sessions cultivate a supportive and collaborative environment. Participants learn from each other, gain valuable insights, and develop essential leadership and management competencies.


We understand that challenges can arise unexpectedly. Our On-Call Coaching ensures that leaders and managers have access to timely guidance, expert advice, and strategic solutions.

performance optimization resources

Achieving the right kind of results requires a partnership. We point you in the right direction and help you identify key landmarks. You decide the best route to take. 

Our role is to support you along the way with our coaching and performance optimization resources, which we tailor to your needs and budget.


Depending on your needs, we use assessments to help leaders gain deep insights into strengths, opportunities, and potential blind spots. These include assessments for performance gap analysis, leadership, emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivators, coaching, communication, 360o assessment, and more. 


Every leader and workplace is unique, which is why we help our clients develop customized action plans tailored to their specific needs and aspirations. These plans serve as roadmaps for growth, guiding individuals towards tangible and measurable personal and organizational outcomes.


Our coaching approach emphasizes analysis, planning, and execution using our proprietary tools. These resources foster awareness and action among leaders. By focusing on getting things done, we help managers transform their workplaces.


Our coaching clients gain access to relevant videos, audio files, worksheets, checklists, templates, and other tools. They also receive recommendations on the resources that best support their journey.


We wrote the book on Supportive Accountability and leverage this profound philosophy to promote client success. Each client gets personalized access to our Online Client Portal where they can establish goals, track progress, request support, and celebrate accomplishments.


Our Coaches are not just consultants trained in human performance improvement, they spent decades in the trenches of middle and senior management. Our coaches have post-graduate level education in leadership, organizational studies, management, or a closely related field. They also have relevant specialized training and certification.

who we are

The Melena Consulting Group is a leadership and organizational development consulting company dedicated to helping leaders unlock their full potential. With experience spanning the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, we specialize in strengthening leadership and management capabilities, reshaping work cultures, increasing employee engagement, and optimizing performance.

our founder


Founder & CEO, Melena Consulting Group

M.A. in Leadership & Organizational Studies
International Award-Winning Leadership Author
Association for Talent Deveopment Master Instructional Designer
Certified DISC Facilitator

SYLVIA MELENA is the Founder & CEO of Melena Consulting Group, a leadership and organizational development consulting company. She is also the international award-winning author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance and its Spanish translation, Responsabilidad solidaria

Her leadership philosophy has been featured in the Society of Human Resources Management HR Today, the Human Performance Association, Entrepreneur, LEADx, My Quest for the Best, and other outlets. 

Prior to working full-time in her consultancy, she dedicated 26 years of her life to serving children, adults, and families through her work in health and human services. Her experience spans several roles, from working as a front-line social worker to having oversight of countywide policy and programs. She specializes in reinvigorating workplaces and improving organizational performance. 

sylvia's books
what leaders SAY

Here’s what leaders say about our work.

The Supportive Accountability Leadership™ training content is phenomenal! The leadership team thoroughly loved the session I delivered using the Facilitator’s Kit. They all said it was by far the best training they've received so far in our internal training program, and we had already delivered six months’ worth of great training content. The material strummed up some great conversations, and we had some major breakthrough and powerful moments as a team. I 100% recommend the Supportive Accountability Leadership™ Facilitator’s Kit!
Christie Johnson, Market Trainer
Aflac, Arizona Market Office, Arizona, U.S.
Sylvia, I cannot thank you enough for your passion and dedication to building strong leaders. Your book will be critical to the development of our emerging and aspiring leaders at the North Texas Food Bank. You’ve gone above and beyond in your support of our journey and we know the impact Supportive Accountability will have on our food bankers.
Suzanne Drotman, Chief People Officer
North Texas Food Bank, Texas, U.S.
Sylvia Melena pays attention. That attention goes deeper than why you "think" you are asking for when coaching with her. I told her about what I felt was holding me back, and she replied with one simple sentence. That sentence was a miraculous course correction in my professional life... Her years of experience will save you time, energy, and money. She wants to see you successful and authentic in your craft or career and she doesn't hold back the flood of insight she has. She is a powerful mentor and I count myself blessed to have worked with her.
Tiffany Vakilian, President
San Diego Publishers and Editors Network
I love it! As a new supervisor coming into this role, I feel I’m absorbing as much as I can. It’s definitely provided a different perspective for… when dealing with staff with different personalities.
Patricia Perez, Program Supervisor
San Ysidro Health
(Sylvia) is very truly passionate about performance management, which I think makes all the difference. Not just because it comes across and it makes you more inspired to learn, but because when someone’s passionate about something, they put in that extra effort.
Dane Crockford, Ph.D., Incoming Manager
Family Health Centers of San Diego
I love the workshop that Sylvia has presented! I am very into HR and performance management… I definitely recommend the workshop for anyone that’s struggling to find resources for the problems that they see, and they want to make a change.
Blanca Romero, Census Regional Manager
NALEO Educational Fund
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