Please join me on August 17, 2021 on the Center for Advancement of Virtual Organizations (CAVO) Podcast Series.
The episode is called “Relational Connectivity: The Most Important Soft Skill in Virtual Leadership.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, shifting operations to the virtual workplace was paramount to organizational survival. Organizations that were new to virtual operations focused their efforts on scaling technological connectivity, but relationships matter more than tech. Relationships are about connection.
In this podcast, I’m excited to join Dr. Deanna Davis, Associate Professor in the School of Business at Northcentral University, to share ways of strengthening relational connectivity to create a thriving, vibrant, and productive virtual workplace.
Sylvia Melena
About the CAVO Podcast
On North Central University’s CAVO Podcast, you’ll find “insightful guidance on effective virtual workplace practices, including adaptive leadership, building trust and accountability through emotional intelligence, communication, engagement, presence, and much more.”