For Immediate Release – November 1, 2023
Contact: Sylvia Melena, Founder & CEO, Melena Consulting Group, 619-213-3538,
Responsabilidad solidaria Wins Two 2023 International Latino Book Awards
San Diego, CA, November 1, 2023 – Melena Consulting Group is pleased to announce that Sylvia Melena’s first Spanish book, Responsabilidad solidaria, won two 2023 International Latino Book Awards (ILBA).
“On October 21, 2023 Empowering Latino Futures recognized a record number of authors and books at the 25th International Latino Book Awards. Attending the Awards were over 135 winning authors, along with publishers, illustrators, translators, and other publishing professionals.” – Empowering Latino Futures
Photography by Paul Meyers

Responsabilidad Solidaria: Cómo mejorar el rendimiento laboral por medio del apoyo by Sylvia Melena won the Silver Medal for the Best Self Transformation Book – Spanish and the Bronze Medal for the Best Nonfiction Book Translation – English to Spanish.
As an independent author and publisher, it’s an honor to be recognized by the 2023 International Latino Book Awards, given the caliber of the other publishing houses that won awards, such as Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Scholastic Books, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, the American Psychological Association, and many more.
Sylvia Melena
“I strive to write, publish, and contribute to trade-quality business books that clients and readers will enjoy and leverage for transformation,” commented Sylvia Melena. “My parents, who were Mexican immigrants and are no longer with us, would have been proud to see how their hard work and sacrifices gave a much-needed boost to the next generation.”
Empowering Latino Futures attested, “This year Empowering Latino Futures received a 19-percent increase in entries over the previous record high. This is another sign of the GREAT quality of books for, by and about Latinos that are being produced. This year’s 221 judges were a tremendous help in this process. These professors, librarians, educators, journalists, members of REFORMA and Las Comadres, and people who love and appreciate good books were busy reviewing all the entries.”
For a complete listing of this year’s award winners, scroll down to see Empowering Latino Future’s press release.
SYLVIA MELENA is a Principal at The Leadership Strength Group, a leadership and organizational development consulting firm. She is also an international award-winning and best-selling author and publisher. Her leadership philosophy has been featured in the Society of Human Resources Management HR Today, the Human Performance Association, Entrepreneur, LEADx, My Quest for the Best, and other outlets.